Anneliese Kamola


My name is Anneliese Kamola (she/her pronouns). I am an author, developmental editor, and writing coach living in Bellingham, WA on the traditional land of the Lummi and Nooksack people.

I have studied storytelling and the creative process for over 25 years via writing, editing, and publication; oral storytelling; theater production and performance; psychology, somatics, and trauma studies; and mindfulness and dance. My writing and storytelling explore reoccuring themes of the body, lineage, womanhood, healing, and the wild. I am currently a candidate for an MFA in Creative Writing at Western Washington University. My current obsessive question is: How can writing be used to create space (on and off the page), and how can this play between form and emptiness call forward brand new narratives?

I am taking select clients; please contact me with interest.


 ~ I’d like to give a SPECIAL THANKS to the amazing Demi Fair for her portrait photography. ~

~ I also thank Christin Hume on Unsplash for the free use of their photo on the Editing Services page,

and lilartsy on Unsplash for the free use of their photo on the Author page. ~