There are two different tracks for the editing process:

  • In the first, I make a second copy of the writer’s work. I do not touch the original draft, instead making changes with Track Changes on the second document. I highlight any words and sentences I add. The documents are “messy” and note every change that has happened. We meet via Zoom for one hour to discuss the proposed changes. During this meeting I often ask specific questions in order to clarify sections of writing, and the author has the opportunity to clarify, offer context, and get coaching support. We work together to problem solve and wordsmith specific passages. After our meeting, I email a recording of the Zoom meeting along with the “messy” document to the author, who accepts/rejects the changes and creates their own clean next draft.

  • In the second option, I save a second copy of the writer’s work. I use the new copy to make changes with Track Changes, highlighting any punctuation, words, and sentences I change or add. Then I make a new copy from my edits and accept all changes, making a “clean” draft so the author can read the edited version without the distraction of Track Changes. We meet via Zoom for one hour to discuss the proposed changes. During this meeting I often ask specific questions in order to clarify sections of writing, and the author has the opportunity to clarify, offer context, and get coaching support. We work together to problem solve and wordsmith specific passages. After our meeting, I email the recorded Zoom meeting along with the “clean” document to the author, who can then compare the new clean draft with the original one sent to me. Often authors will take this draft and continue onto their next round of edits.

    • Some authors request the “messy” draft as well, preferring to view the “clean” draft while we talk, and work with the “messy” draft on their own.